Seer ⸻ a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight.

Eli Clark of Identity V, as written and loved by Archiviste. established 08 . 09 . 22
This archive is a collection of both canonical lore, personal interpretation, and headcanon.

template by asuraidart


Eli Clark is a Seer possessing the Great Eye, and this mysterious ability is obviously related to his trusted owl who accompanies him.

⸻ introduction

name Eleias/Elias “Eli” Clarkage â€ś21” He does not share how long he has walked the earth.gender Non-Binarypronouns He/Him or They/Themorientation Bisexualbirthday October 31stnationality Welshtitle The Seer / The Shepherd (Hunter)

navigation â€”— appearance / personality / backstory / gameplay

⸻ appearance

height 5’10 / 6’8 hunterweight 158 lbssurvivor The seer is rather average if not plain in his overall appearance. He has pale skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair. His face and body are covered in freckles and he tans pretty easily. Upon his face is the mark of his oath, carved into his skin, along with deep scars from talons when he lost his sight. He does take off his blindfold at times in the manor, usually if Brooke Rose is not with him at the time or someone trusted is nearby. He also will keep his gloves off when Brooke is not around to aid him. When not in matches Eli keeps his hood off and also doesn't cover up so much when just around the manor. He also wears a silver knot-work ring on his left ring finger to signify his engagement. His shoulder along with parts of his arms have little talon scars from Brooke Rose, she digs in a bit when Eli starts to speak about things he shouldn't be. His normal wardrobe consists of his usual dark blue robes and the odd costumes the Baron wishes him to wear. Underneath that he usually is wearing a white button down along with his undergarments & stocking with suit garters. Eli doesn’t give much notice to his appearance or try to stand out very much. His position is to observe and watch others, so the less he is drawing others looks the better. He also began to care less about appearance after the incident.hunter After his death and revival from The Eye his short hair turned white along with his skin. The deep blue eyes became like that of a cat but duller almost clouded vs the eyes of the other disciples, with gold irises and black sclera. His body is very slender and elongated now, appearing more like a long skeletal figure than a human anymore. His hands resemble claws in a way with their long spindle like fingers and sharp nails. In death he wears a grey hood with silvery white feathers on the shoulders that drop to a wing like cape, the robes he used to wear are now replaced with a dark gown reminiscent to a nuns attire but ripped to shreds at the bottom and sleeves. He wears a gold and brown belt with a satchel and three blue feathers to the sides with a single silver feather and his old blind fold, and black boots that mimic talons. His face and arms are usually covered with bandages and only ever removes them when in the presence of other disciples. His scars did not disappear they only became dark, black, and far uglier than before. His final gift from The Eye of Darkness, was a long lithe tail he keeps wrapped around his waist or leg.
Design inspiration 1 Design inspiration 2

⸻ personality

align. True Neutral

mbti. INFJ

enna. 9w1

likes. Birds, Books, & Tea

dislikes. Peddlers & Merchants

Often described as calm & charismatic, Eli cares deeply about the other Survivors and those around him. Certain hunters he will even have an affinity for when finding out their past and struggles. He usually keeps a clear level head in matches but also will not hesitate to run into danger if it means someone else gets out. Self sacrifice is something he's well versed in and doesn't shy away from.Being at the manor isn't a hardship to him but a new opportunity & new door opened for him. Seeing Eli in distress is very rare unless he has seen a vision that's causing him anxiety.Eli is very self sacrificial, he will give up parts of himself to protect and save others. Eli also puts up many fronts and masks. Hiding how he truly feels around others till he is alone or with someone he trusts the most.

⸻ backstory

lore “In a small village in Wales, there was a youth born with the ability to hear the gods, tell fortunes, and see the future. This gift was very useful and popular within his small town, however he was unable to control these visions and the voices he heard. One day he found an injured starling, he took it in and nursed it back to health so it could live through the upcoming winter. Although, even after it could fly again it chose to stay with him, and the two fostered a close relationship. This owl grew with him and the more their bond formed the more he saw her true form and nature. With his ability, he could see that within the owl was an ancient soul, a goddess, who took him to the druids and showed him the ways of the seer that came before him. The youth learned quickly the past and the conquest that led to their death. These visions and teachings helped him see more clearly into the future, but only after making an oath to not record or share these "intangible things."Some time later he met and fell in love with a wealthy merchant's daughter named Gertrude, it was a fast puppy love and they vowed to never part. The two were soon engaged, and when he saw a prophecy of her father's wheat business that was going to be damaged, the youth could do nothing but speak to her about it. Although this saved the business, it resulted in him breaking his oath and he was punished heavily for it. This betrayal resulted in his gift being stripped from him along with his eyes. Now blinded and forever cursed to be with the owl he saved the once blessed youth lamented over his loss. Scars forever cementing his betrayal along with the marks on his face to signify his bond. Forever at the whim of the gods. Writing to his fiancé about his troubles, she replies that there must be some trick to get around the oath and return his abilities, referencing the story of “Raven Jefferson”After the years the voices would speak. Telling the youth of a game he could partake in and break his oath. A wish could be granted so that he could once again not be bound to this creature. He told this to Gerturde and with her urging, as well as the return of the voice in his head and visions, the youth was compelled to go to the Manor and participate. An unwanted guest joins the game, seemingly finding it by faith or otherworldly power.”The tale Eli will tell you is not all of truth, as he is a being that had roamed the land lifetime after lifetime. 10 to be exact, The Seer has lived a little over 200 years…a short life span for the divine. The story of his curse was that of his first life. The new journey was that of his present life. The longer he lives, the more deaths he experiences, the more times he awakens in a new body. The more his story changes. As his curse meant he could not love the woman he sacrificed everything for, instead he must watch Gertrude perish over and over again unable to save her soul. He would meet her, love her, save her, be cursed once more, bury her, and forget. Only to start all over again. Every time he was born anew this very curse would take his life too. By 16 he would awakened as The Seer once more, by 21 he would be killed, murdered or self inflicted. Forever trapped in a cycle of his own creation.

his death Somehow this curse followed him to the manor. Even with its own magic changing it from the outside world. The visions never stopped and he would watch as his friends in arms would come into harms way over and over. Yet when he tried to stop them. The face of the owl goddess stared back at him, chaining him, keeping him silent. It wasn’t till he scream for her to stop as he watched a funeral procession for his love did anything change. His cries were heard in the manor late in the night, the reached the ears of this mysterious Baron.He sought out the Seer and offered him a deal, a wish for his heroic performances, as such a knight should never have to suffer as he does, he promised to break Eli’s curse. Eli, desperate, agreed and listened. Followed every step, walked away from his matron into the arms of this mysterious Baron. What he couldn’t see coming was the knife in his back, the cold steel of a final betrayal. This man saw this as the moment to rid himself of a costly parasite. A wrinkle in his plans. The screams of the Seer were heard once more before silence.As Eli lay dying the owl faced woman came to his side once more. She weeped for the loss of her Seer, regretting the torment she put him through all for the kindness of his heart. Seeing the form of another deity by his corpse she understood, releasing the hold she had on the man. A voice spoke to him once more, “Forgive me my child, let you live again. Let this be your second chance. Find her.” Her oath with him was broken however Blodeuwedd in the form of Brooke Rose stayed at his side to act as his eyes and guide him through his dreams when his new god could not.Life filled the Seer once more, he could barely recall the being before him, a cat that brought him back. He cannot remember how he died, or what new oath with this god he made, but can recount every moment he shared in the manor. The Eye of Darkness welcomed him as a disciple and named him The Shepherd.

⸻ hunter gameplay

Skill 1 Hunters Mark The Shepherd always carries the weapon it was struck down with. 4 daggers plunged deep in his back with a 5th in hand. The Shepherd can use these daggers to mark Survivors and teleport to their locations.
Starting Dagger Count: 2
Full Presence: 3
Cool down: 15secs for 1 dagger
30secs for 2 daggers or 1 dagger + teleport
These will only mark a Survivors location for 30 seconds.

Skill 2 Eyes of God Using the wings of his old matron The Shepherd can launch himself into the air. Once in the air, the eyes granted to him by his new God will bring life back to the world around him. Showing the locations of all remaining Survivors and the ciphers with the highest decoding progress.
Duration: 20secs
Cooldown: 60secs

Passive Dead Lovers Lane The Shepherd leaves a trail of his own blood behind him similar to that of when he was a Survivor. This trail is 150meters in length and if touched by a Survivor their location is revealed and movements speed slowed by 10%.

Attack Holy Blade The Shepherd attacks with the dagger in his hand. Upon his swing an arc of his own blood will hit a Survivor for half damage. If a Survivor is marked they will take full damage.
Hit Box: Medium
Animation: The Shepherd will pull the dagger from his own body to strike then return it upon cool down and wipe his hand on his robes.

Extra Clouded Sight The map is colorless and dull due to the poor eyesight of The Shepherd.